i Ibrahim,am in a state of disarray. When I stated that the laws in this city/ county and state was creating a form of social segregation I didn't know it would be used by people that lived inside homes. What in the world am I'm talking about. Dig this. as I frequently visit the red and black cafe' tonight, I went to visit the people that was sleeping on the sidewalk at 11th and oak se. then I saw this women come out of her apartment and start throwing glass bottles at the folks on the sidewalk as some were asleep and others was preparing to sleep. a verbal exchange took place and guess who was called to the scene. Well it is true we the homeless have no rights. Nothing happened to the person in the apt. who started the confusion & violence, however the people who live on the streets were being held hostage till they(the police) talked to everyone. Their names were ran ,they arrested one lady 'cause it was said she retaliated and the homeless/poc had to leave their belongings alone with their friends stuff who were not present, during this show of social segregation. Right in front of my very own,eyes,(talk about being at the right place at the right time) whoa. Then this big "protect and serve" police van came and took all of their belongings to the impound lot. Well now people will have no tarps/sleeping bags/ blankets/or their important papers or their sentamental valuables when they return. Imagine coming home to your house, finding it caught on fire or ramsacked. It's hard for me to cry just ask those who R close to me, but when I saw a grown man get down on his knees and pled with the police not to take his stuff and cry as they ignored him my eyes got filled with tears. I will not, and I reiterate, I will not let the police see me in pain. So I fought back my tears.
Now I did what I was trained to do which was to inform the homeless people of their rights and at the same time ask the police officers for their cards. Of course I got flack and was told
to leave by the police. When the homeless folks started to listen to me (informing them of their rights) they left feeling good and so did I. I also called some homeless activists to let them know what was going on and the police got more worried. Some came to the sceen with cameras (smile mr policeman your on candid camera) streets roots you got photos, commissioner's you have proof,now what you gonna do with your bad selves!!! O! here's the names of officer friendly ,Sergeant Kyle S. Nice. Nice yea right,like in nice work may u get a paid leave of absence (just go talk to your union heads), and Officer Zanetti #40588. I saw the homeless people with cuts from flying glass and in a state of rage. Told you things are getting worse and worse(understatement) Perpare youeselves it's here. Unless we come together it don't matter where the solutions come from as long as everybody feels good about them. this is the 1930's European-style America! And contrary to popular belief this is not just happening in PORTLAND.
NOTE: The advocates that took photos were asked by the police if they were with St. Francis. When they said no. The police asked if they would take pitcures of some needles that they found on the ground,they refused to because they didn't know who put the needles on the sidewalk and didn't want to incriminate those who were sleeping there. Which makes me wonder.....do the police routinely ask St. Francis folks for assistance in documenting homeless activities? Hmm hope not!!
U make the call.
Wa Salaam
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