Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Right to Survive: In Solidarity with Homeless People of Circumstance in Oakland

Assault on Oakland's homeless population continues
by Lynda Carson ( tenantsrule [at] yahoo.com )
Sunday Dec 13th, 2009 11:01 AM
The assualt on the homeless population in Oakland is on-going, with Caltrans spending up to a week each month shutting down and demolishing homeless encampments throughout the City!

Assault on Oakland's homeless population continues

By Lynda Carson -- December 13, 2009

Oakland - It's cold and wet. Dawn breaks, and the screams of a howling cat in the distance sounds like a child abandoned in the frigid cold of the night, begging for attention.

A raggedy looking homeless man recently near the entranceway of a Lucky store in Oakland, is chased off by security a few evenings ago, barely a moment after I had the pleasure of giving him a dollar, to buy something to eat.

Winter is in full bloom in Northern California, and the assault on Oakland's homeless population is unrelenting and colder than the governors latest budget cuts, that have been slashing and shredding the safety net for California's poor, it's elderly, children, students, chronically ill and disabled communities.

Across the nation, during December 2009 the latest report from the U.S. Conference of Mayors reveals that nineteen cities reported a huge increase in family homelessness due to a lack of affordable housing, home foreclosures and high unemployment in various locations such as San Francisco, Sacramento, Charleston, Nashville, Boston, Kansas City and Dallas, between October 2008 and September of 2009.

During the past year, newly created tent cities and major homeless encampments have also risen in Charleston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Detroit, and Providence, Rhode Island, as the size of older more established homeless encampments have increased their populations in Seattle, Sacramento, Des Moines and Phoenix.

Among other cities, homeless encampments also exist in Hawaii, New Orleans, Tampa, Albuquerque, Pensacola, Ukiah, Portland, La Mesa, Philly, Colorado Springs, Eureka, Las Vegas, Compton, CA., and throughout many other cities and states across the nation.

During the same period, hunger is reportedly on the rise and cities in need of emergency food assistance during the past year included Boston, Chicago, Charleston, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Denver, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Seattle, according to the December mayors report.

Locally, Operation Dignity estimates that around 1,064 people are residing in homeless encampments throughout Oakland on any given night and according to City officials, Oakland needs around 7,000 more affordable housing units to end homelessness within Oakland's borders during the next fifteen years.

The assault on the homeless population is so brutal that during March of 2009, Caltrans released a statement declaring that it dedicates one week a month to removing homeless encampments from the City of Oakland.

For example, Caltrans reports that it cleared 420 homeless encampments from the City of Oakland from July 1, 2008, through February 1, 2009, at a cost of $84,000, and treats homeless encampments as being little more than blight in the City of Oakland, and it's many diverse communities.

In Berkeley many homeless people can be found at Peoples Park on a daily basis, while Food Not Bombs serves them free food five days a week, and in recent years the homeless population and their encampments face a continual brutal assault by authorities, at the Albany bulb.

With homeless populations on the rise in San Francisco, it's estimated that theres 6,000 to 12,000 homeless people living on the streets on any given night, and with a surge of homeless people and 3 major homeless encampments occurring in Fresno for it's more than 2,000 residents needing housing during 2009, attacks by the City are common occurrences against the homeless population. In addition, in Memphis, Tennessee, it's reported that the cops have raided 17 homeless encampments during the past year.

In Sacramento, the governor has assaulted and shut down several homeless encampments during the past year, displacing many from their communities.

In Asheville, North Carolina, around 550 homeless people are on the streets any given night, with deaths in the community resulting from hate crime violence, the lack of health care, and shortage of shelter during cold harsh weather.

In response to the homeless crisis occurring nationwide, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council reported that the average age of death for people experiencing homelessness is around 50 years, compared to about 78 years for non-homeless Americans.

In Pontiac, Michigan, as recent as early December, Thomas J. McCloud Jr. and Dontez Tillman, both 15, were sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison for brutally beating to death two homeless senior citizens (Wilford "Frenchie" Hamilton and Lee Hoffmann Jr.), and a third suspect will soon stand trial for the vicious homeless deaths that occurred in that community during August of 2008.

The fear of homelessness is pervasive throughout society and as a simple reminder, as recent as December 10th, it was the anniversary of the death of Mary Jesus who leapt to her death from the Oakland Tribune Tower on that fateful day in 2004, after facing homelessness and eviction due to a major rent increase being imposed on her by her landlords Mark Roemer, James Lewis and Dean Miller, as was stated in copies of a suicide note she tossed to the crowd of hundreds of traumatized bystanders below, who watched her leap to her death on December 10, 2004.

Brutal deaths among the homeless are being reported across the nation, and as recent as Dec. 8, 2009, a homeless woman in Hemet, CA., died from exposure due to the cold during a storm. A homeless man was found dead at his encampment in November along the Russian River. Other reports include a homeless man who died in early December in his tent along the Guadalupe River in San Jose, after a tree fell on him. Plus the 28 homeless deaths reported in Santa Barbara during 2009, in addition to 50 homeless people who died outdoor violent deaths in King County, Washington, during 2008, along with another other 22 homeless victims who died outdoors by June of 2009 in the same area, including 131 homeless people who died on the streets of Minnesota during 2008, with the numbers expected to be similar by the end of 2009.

In closing, a recent vigil to honor 67 homeless men and woman who died on the streets of San Jose during 2009, took place on December 9, with the following names of the dead being provided by EHC Life Builders.

Janell Alarid, Gregorio Alvarado-Rodriquez, Edward Atherton, Viola Bailey, Ramon Barajas, Medina Bernardo, Ryan Buck, Nicandro Canseco, Ronald Ceglio, Israel Chapa, Jose Cortez, Stephen Creal, Mary Lou DeRosa, Nung Duong, Michael Eagan, David Escobar, Benjamin Espinoza, Kimo Fernandez, Neil Fitzpatrick, Chareles Gadbery, Mark Gale, Norine Gallager, Henry Garcia, Heise Kimberly, Daniel Hopkins, David Huang, Jeffrey Ivers, Martin Jensen, Colby Jervis, David Johnson, Julia Jones, James Leary, Michael Leyden, Kenneth Loyola, Phillip McLaughlin, Cheryl Ann Mendoza, Richard Michels, Bill Mix, Gaylen Mix, Lois Moore, Bruce Morowski, Theodore Nelligan, Alfonso Nuno, Robin Oreglia, Russell W. Paquette, Joseph Paul, Kathryn Powell, Vivian Riley, Rita Rodriquez, Anthony Rodriquez, John Ryan, Kelly Smith, Deally Som, Barry Sterns, David Studt, Tom Sullivan, William Teixeria, Allison M. Thomas, Gregory Thompson, George Tyson, Debra Wakayama, Lindon West, Thomas White, Tommy Williams, Carl Wiseman, Jr., and Rickey Young.

Friday, December 11, 2009

By now we are aware of the serial attacks going on among the homeless population. this open letter to the perp is not a call to violence, but rather a celebration of the unity of our own community. a victory sirens song to our own….please remember that its contents are far less violent than rape or assault to the victim -

love letters from the concrete jungle
open letter to the perp

by julie mccurdy

we know who you are
we carry the sight of you
out of the corners of
eyes that no longer
stay still or sleep
we carry the putrid scent of you
between the thighs
you desecrated
in memories
we pulled it from the hearts of
our mothers
who used their own bodies
to shield our souls
from the
sight of your wreckage
we carry the knowledge
of your attempt
to sacrifice the sacred
and to profane the mother
make no mistake
we still own the skin
we live in
you didnt win
we still stand
but we dont
stand alone
our own
stand with us
we have dropped this information
like a bomb
into the hearts and souls
of our fathers
of our brothers
and we slammed it home
between the hips of
our lovers
(what did you think we were bereft of options)
now THEY know
who YOU are
and wait
hungrily for your return
deep into the heart of the concrete jungle
they will sing our songs
they will celebrate us home
they will reclaim what you desecrated
and they will
bring you
what you
brought us
and then
we will
our own

in the last 7 days 3 homeless women have been raped on the streets of portland–

Monday, December 7, 2009

Blankets and Coats Needed for those out in the cold - ongoing collection Drives

BLANKETS and COATS DRIVE in Portland - ongoing and especially lately...

JOIN is collecting blankets and tarps, and giving them directly to people on the streets. Drop them off at 3338 SE 17th (17th and Pershing – just south of Powell) from 10 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday each weekday.

St. Francis Church does ongoing collection and distribution of coats and blankets on site at its Dining Hall at SE 11th and Oak Streets. Best hours are 11 am to 5 pm.

TPI accepts and distributes blankets and coats 24 hours, 7 days a week at its main location at 435 NW Glisan St, Portland. They also have receiving donations Mon.- Fri. from 9 to 5 at various Windermere Realty office locations around the metro area.

Providence North Portland is collecting coats through December 9th at 4920 N Interstate
Portland (corner of Interstate and Alberta, west of I-5 exit 303).

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Letter from Ibrahim M. which he asked us to post:

From: i_tpop@hotmail.com
Subject: "can u say infatuation"
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:23:35 -0800

Salaam Hometeam
I Ibrahim as promised ,that there was more,well here it is. Sleeping outside on ground zero as a homeless man I see a lot of things that go unnoticed to the average male and female of portland,far be knowing to the powers to be. They know of the situations 'cause those of us who are on ground zero and those of us who are homeless advocates go to the city council and tell them of our concerns. We try to reach their repudiated minds so they can understand what takes place on the streets. They listen to the business alliance why not us? After all we are the one's who their laws effects the most, and we have to pay for those effected laws. That's something huh. we as in the have not's, the homeless, the people of circumstances pay for laws that criminalize us, boy did my understanding make a wrong turn at albuquerque. To sit or sleep on the sidewalk or under a bridge or in bushes is a crime,really!
So a group of us as in advocates (numbers unknown). Come up with great plans, ideas and resources to help this epidemic. We know what will help us to be safe, warm and dry during these winter months also in the summer/spring and autumn. We give concepts with proposals, like I said we know what is best. Well this person as in brendan phillips who never been homeless, never been around the homeless and really don't know much about homeless wants to be a super man. he wants to go and save the homeless community and stick his chest out and show this "S" as ,not in captain save a h-e but as in captain save a homeless. He not knowing that as he want to be super man that ,the real super man committed suicide. He works with the CCEH board which plans to end homeless in ten years, now they have five(5). he just got a job at sisters of the road cafe' now sisters is a advocate for the homeless community and the CCEH are a group of people that never been homeless and have this superman of an Idea that they will end homeless instead of making things do until a sufficient plan can be accomplish with the help of us who are here on ground zero. Brenden plans to rally at city hall with a proposal that states that three to four people can put tents up on church parking lots during the nights and take them down during the day,where they will not be harassed by the police. O, how sweet of him. STUPID! Do he take his house down in the morning, (IN THE RAIN)? Brenden never slept on the street, he was ask to do so 'cause a job requirement states that he must have been formerly homeless but when asked to sleep on the streets for three days he didn't do it for a half of a day. I even ask him to hang out with me this summer and as of yet he hides. Listen if are you not homeless and don't know about homelessness and not in the homeless community stay out of the decision making process. Now this is the kicker, Have any one of you looked at the CCEH's agenda? Well shop and compare it's the same as brendan (POW!) can you spell infatuation boys and girls?
We know what we need and we need to make it known! here from ground zero. I'm watching.
Wa Salaam

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sexual Assaults on Un-sheltered Women Increasing

Civilian Foot Patrols Are Forming, and Whistles Are Being Distributed

It has been reported to us -- and it is being widely talked about among the homeless -- that at least three women in the last week have been raped while attempting to sleep alone - all within the St. Francis neighborhood in inner Southeast. Two have been assaulted on the east side not far from St. Francis, most recently on Sunday night (Nov. 30). Another woman was assaulted around Thanksgiving Day under the Burnside Bridge on the west side.

Right 2 Survive is distributing whistles to women and other vulnerable people in the area.

If anyone would like a whistle, you can get one from Julie, who is regularly at St. Francis Dining Hall (SE 11th & Oak) at dinner time (4 to 6 pm), or call Laura at 503-875-0425, and we will get you a whistle ASAP.

We are also encouraging all allies to patrol these areas at night with eyes and ears open to any assaults - and especially listen for whistles (many already distributed). Organized patrols will soon begin meeting nightly at the Red & Black, with the plan being to walk the east side -- Hawthorne to Burnside, 12th Ave to the River -- to help protect against sexual assaults.

The Danger of Victimized Twice (by police or the rapist) If You Tell

Many women who are victims of assault are reluctant to go to police, because Portland's police have a reputation for not seriously dealing with assault complaints from the homeless. In fact they often treat homeless women as though they did something to 'deserve it.' This is often referred to as being "victimized twice."

Sometimes when a woman tells the police or a reporting agency about a rape, little comes of the complaint. People who are houseless are often not taken as seriously as those with houses and perhaps attorneys. What happens when police do nothing or when a court fails to keep a rapist locked up? Retaliation is a very real danger. The best plan is prevention. The best plan for un-sheltered women under assault is to camp together, or otherwise occupy otherwise vacant safe spaces. With or without a government permission, this is instinctive, and prudent in light of City Council's inaction. This is our right to survive.

The current anti-camping law keeps people from banding together easily for mutual protection.

The City has been unwilling so far to offer any public areas for organized camping -- or to legally allow property owners or churches to permit campers on site. In Seattle and in cities across the U.S., this is how houseless people usually manage (as best they can) to stay safe - by camping in tent groups in larger numbers together, and watching over each other. Where numbers of homeless campers have attempted to congregate here in Portland, police have been aggressive in breaking up the 'camp.'

E-mail us at R2SPdx@gmail.com with your ideas about where and how people can camp and squat safely! We each have a right to safety! If government will not care for us, we can and will band together and care for ourselves.